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Caring for an older family member

We have been providing secure storage of wills since the 1950s.
It does not take long to make or change a will.
Make sure your beneficiaries know who you use as your solicitor and tell your Executor that they have the job of following your wishes.

When to make a will
Look at your will when some part of your living arrangments change.
These include getting married, the birth of a child, moving to a new house or the acquision of some other property.

Making a will boils down to these four questions:
1. What are you worth?
2. Who do you want to have it next?
3. Who will be your Executor (someone you trust to make that happen)?
4. What can be done to make it easier and/or clearer?

Also think about where can you put your will so that people know where to find it when the time comes (and maybe, not before).
Answer these questions to see if you need to take the next step.

Also see us about Powers of Attorney, living wills or the Appointment of Enduring Guardian

Current information about wills and Estates

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